Safety Software for Facility Management

Transform your facility management with critical a software suite designed to streamline operations maintain the highest safety standards and optimized performance across all types of facilities. Centralize and standardize operations across all sites with Criitkl’s digital platform, designed to break down communication barriers and streamline coordination. Criitkl enhances operational efficiency and ensures consistency in practices across all facilities.

Effective Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment

Identify potential hazards within the facility, assess associated risks, and implement control measures to mitigate those hazards efficiently and effectively.

  • Hazard identification

  • Determining exposures

  • Documenting hazard resolutions

Custom Incident Management and Reporting

Criitkl streamlines the reporting of any incident or near miss and triggers automated workflows for rapid communication and response.

  • Real time incident notifications

  • Automatically generated resolution tasks

  • Notification incident resolution

Regulatory Compliance and Reporting

Criitkl ensures that all incident data is recorded and is accessible for compliance, auditing and operational examination.

  • Ease of report distribution

  • Prove resolution

  • Long term records retention

Resilience –
Emergency Preparedness and Response

Criitkl can manage emergency response plans and procedures making them readily available to all employees.

  • Single point of update

  • Distribute plans in real time

  • Track response for law and learning

Efficient Training Management

Criitkl automates the tracking of training ensuring that all employees are trained on relevant safety procedures and protocols.

  • Calendar or grid view

  • Notification in advance

  • Custom advisories

Safer Facility Management
Starts With Criitkl Software

At Criitkl, we are committed to transforming facility safety, risk mitigation and hazard mitigation with a comprehensive safety software solution that supports safer environment for facility staff and occupants. Contact us today to learn more about how Criitkl can enhance your safety and compliance programs.